Michael Ramsden (1947-2016)

Portrait of Jim Sharman, 1978

oil on canvas, titled, signed and dates verso ‘Jim Sharman, Michael Ramsden, 1978’

Dreamplay. Sleepwalker.
As the only artist to ever paint me, Michael Ramsden’s idea was a Munch-like figure. A sleepwalker in pyjamas, emerging dream-like through a nocturnal forest. A slash of light from the open door of a caravan, referencing my travelling sideshow childhood. Friends cautioned Michael against the pyjamas, so he painted over them and, instead, clad me in wintery pants and sweater. But underneath they’re still there – the ghostly pyjamas.
– Jim Sharman (2023)

190 x 80 cm
The Artist, Sydney, Collection of Jim Sharman, Sydney
  • EStimate $2,000 - $4,000
  • sold $1,964 Incl BP